Tuesday 27 January 2015

Poorer students to pursue interests outside school thanks to new scheme

Poorer students to pursue interests outside school thanks to new scheme
The 'Pupil Offer' scheme has been launched by education minister Huw Lewis
Pupils from poorer backgrounds will get help to follow their interests outside school in a new scheme launched by the Welsh government.

The "Pupil Offer" will allow pupils to work with organizations in the arts, science, sport, culture and heritage. custom essay writing services uk.

Students in the first three years of secondary education will take part when it is launched in September.

Sports Wales, The Arts Council and the ational Museum of Wales will all be involved among others.

The 40 schools in the scheme are already part of the Schools Challenge Cymru initiative, where £20m has been given to under performing schools to help them improve. Get cheap dissertation writing services online now.

In November, education minister Huw Lewis told a conference of university leaders he expected them to get involved with the Pupil Offer by opening their doors and facilities to pupils.

Concerns were raised, however, about how practical that would be as students would need background checks before working with under-18s.

Post Credit: BBC

1 comment:

  1. The "Pupil Offer" will allow pupils to work with organizations in the arts, science, sport, culture and heritage. It is really a good scheme by Welsh government.
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