Tuesday 27 January 2015

Poorer students to pursue interests outside school thanks to new scheme

Poorer students to pursue interests outside school thanks to new scheme
The 'Pupil Offer' scheme has been launched by education minister Huw Lewis
Pupils from poorer backgrounds will get help to follow their interests outside school in a new scheme launched by the Welsh government.

The "Pupil Offer" will allow pupils to work with organizations in the arts, science, sport, culture and heritage. custom essay writing services uk.

Students in the first three years of secondary education will take part when it is launched in September.

Sports Wales, The Arts Council and the ational Museum of Wales will all be involved among others.

The 40 schools in the scheme are already part of the Schools Challenge Cymru initiative, where £20m has been given to under performing schools to help them improve. Get cheap dissertation writing services online now.

In November, education minister Huw Lewis told a conference of university leaders he expected them to get involved with the Pupil Offer by opening their doors and facilities to pupils.

Concerns were raised, however, about how practical that would be as students would need background checks before working with under-18s.

Post Credit: BBC

Monday 26 January 2015

How to Write a Dissertation Proposal

A dissertation proposal is your doorway to the writing stage of your PhD degree and your career of scholarship and teaching. Keep that in mind when the small document takes much more time than it seems like it should.
how to write a dissertation proposal

Many PhD students find the dissertation proposal to be a demoralizing process as their proposal gets bounced back time and time again. Must check free dissertation topics. Here is how to reduce the number of times it gets bounced back, and to ensure your dissertation proposal sets your dissertation up for success.

Instruction Regarding How to Write a Dissertation Proposal:

Narrow Down Your Topic Area:

Some programs include this as part of the process to earn a degree. If so, you may have done this already at the topic proposal stage. However, if not, it is a helpful step. Zero in on a subcategory of your field, a particular zone of study, or a driving concern for your work.

Make it narrow enough that you can limit your research, well known enough that it is significant to the field and worthy of work. In the humanities, it is often wise to choose one particular figure. For example, linguistics is too broad. Paul Ricoeur's depth semantics is better.

Press Yourself for Conceptual Clarity on Your Dissertation:

The most difficult part of writing a dissertation proposal is clarity in the thesis presented. If you are not yet able to communicate what you want to write about to people who are not in your field without getting glazed eyes, it still needs work.

Have conversations with your advisor, fellow PhD candidates, and friends about it. Try writing out ten different versions of a thesis sentence. Only when this is clear will the rest come together.

Find Your Program's Dissertation Proposal Guidelines:

Most schools have a structured set of guidelines they want you to follow. Often this will structure your proposal for you once you have your thesis clearly stated.

If not, schedule time with your advisor to sketch an outline of what should be included in a proposal to make it pass. Just like any time you have tried to earn a degree, the people with the power determine the form of the assignment.

Put Words on a Page as Soon as Possible:

Do not delay starting your dissertation proposal. Nothing could be deadlier for creativity. There is an amazing magic that occurs when a sentence or two, no matter how wooden, are strung together on a page. You can visit dissertation outline writing services too.

They start to have a life of their own, calling out another question that needs answered, leading to another footnote and a parenthetical remark. Just start writing. You can edit, delete, and refine later.

Focus, Focus, Focus Your Thought:

The constant temptation will be to make the dissertation too sweeping, too large, too all-encompassing, so that it feels 'complete.' Consider your dissertation the start of a life long project. It is the first step in an entire body of possible work.

So, instead, focus your proposal with the greatest discipline on one feature of your key idea so that it will be manageable. Your goal is to earn a degree and get a job, not re-write your field. Save that for book two.

How to Write a Dissertation Proposal - Tips & Warnings:

  1. Often in dissertation proposals the idea can be presented clearly and in a focused way in the running text. You can highlight the more subtle points and show your full grasp of the material and issues in the footnotes.
  2. The key to avoiding proposal procrastination is to write something every day.
  3. Start your dissertation research while you are waiting for response for your advisor. What you research may give you exactly what you need to fix any concerns.
  4. See related articles on this page for more information.
Post Credit: Ehow

Two Students Fall 60ft to Their Deaths While Kissing on Balcony

Two students fall 60ft to their deaths while kissing on balcony

Pair lost their balance after attending party at luxury apartment in south-east London

Two students fell 18 meters (60 feet) to their deaths while “making out” on the balcony of a luxury apartment, an inquest heard on Monday. research paper writing service uk.

Anastasia Tutik, 19, and Miguel Ramos, 18, were kissing when they lost their balance and plummeted from the sixth-floor ledge at the block of flats in Deptford, south-east London.

The pair had met earlier that evening at a friend’s party in the flat, which has views of the Thames and Canary Wharf.

They had been drinking before they went outside together. Tutik was seen sitting on the railing in the moments before they fell.

She came to the UK from Russia in September last year and was studying her A-levels at Bellerbys College.

Ramos, from Monterrey, Mexico, was taking a summer course at the English language school Embassy London and had been in the country for only a few weeks.

His father, Miguel Lozano Munguia, is a former mayor of the town of Pesquería in Mexico and was once head of the centre-left Institutional Revolutionary party (PRI) in the state of Nueva León.

The coroner, Dr Andrew Harris, described their deaths as a tragic accident during the inquest at Southwark coroner’s court.

“There is nothing from any witness statement that indicates they intended to take their lives,” he said. “They were happy students celebrating the end of term and about to go home.”

“They did not know each other well and it does not seem likely that any speculation as to them ending their lives could hold any water at all, and I discount that.”

The coroner added: “They were at a party [and] were engaging in intimacy on a balcony when they accidentally fell to the ground. See custom dissertation writing services uk for assistance.

“Both had been drinking and were intoxicated when they made the decision to sit on the railing.”

Harris said his thoughts were with the families of both teenagers.

Both Tutik and Ramos died from multiple injuries.

Harris recorded a verdict of accidental death in which alcohol was a contributing factor.

Post Credit: The Guardian

Saturday 10 January 2015

How to Collect Data and Material to Write a Perfect Dissertation

write a perfect dissertation
Dissertation writing task is assigned to the students at Master's or PhD level to improve their research and writing skills and to judge their abilities to gain a degree with distinction in their specific area of study. So, students are much concerned about the perfect completion and submission of their dissertations.

The basic elements for writing a dissertation include: good writing skills, original and authentic study material, and latest knowledge about the topic.

To write a perfect dissertation, research is a basic element. In this era of information technology, it is not difficult for the students to collect the relevant data and contents from internet. However, a lot of considerations must be kept in mind while collecting data from the internet.

Students often use the following ways and means to collect data and information about the topic given to them to write their dissertation:

Text Books:

The most common and easy method to get knowledge and information is to study text books relevant to your topic. You must have thorough understanding of the text books included in your syllabus. In this way, you can be successfully able to compile your dissertation by appropriately referencing your paper.

Despite the text books included in your syllabus, you must consult different books available online to get an in-depth knowledge and understanding of your topic. If you don't have enough time to read books and make notes, you can get help from uk dissertation writing services.

Getting Help from Libraries:

The most authentic, reliable and common source of information are the libraries. Today, online libraries are there to provide immediate help to the students with just a single click. However, getting information and data from libraries is much tiresome and time consuming activity. You have to spare a lot of time to select the relevant books and then by going through them, you collect the relevant information and make notes of main points about the topic.

You must be very careful while searching information through libraries and must consult only latest and authentic study sources. Also, you must not use any of the material from the books in your dissertation writing process without properly referencing it as it would be considered plagiarism.

Interview and Observation Method:

Another important tool to collect information and data for writing a dissertation is the method of interviews and personal observations. In this method, you discuss your dissertation topic and research questions with the persons who are already working in your field and from their observations and responses, collect information to be used in your research.

If however, you are not familiar with this method of research to write your dissertation, you can contact Dissertation Writing Services UK and get the best and perfect dissertation writing help to ensure your success.

Using Internet:

Internet is the most common method to get abundant material about a single term or keyword which you use to search for your chosen topic. But you must be very careful and choosy in selecting the websites to collect data as most of them are not authentic and can mislead you in a wrong direction.

However, it is a great fact that internet has provided a lot of convenience and facility to the students who don't have time to attend regular classes or searching libraries.

By using all the above mentioned sources, you may be able to collect a lot of relevant information about your topic and can easily compile your dissertation.

However, even after using all these sources, if you find yourself incompetent to write a perfect dissertation, you must contact our best and top rated dissertation writing services UK to get the most reliable and authentic guidance from our highly qualified and professional writers to secure your future by getting better grades in your dissertations.