Wednesday 21 December 2016

How to write a literature review of a dissertation

An extended piece of work written on a specific topic at the end of the degree is known as dissertation. The dissertation needs specific chapters. One of these specific chapters is literature review. Survey of scholarly articles, books, dissertations, or research papers which identify the past work is known as literature review. It provides some important context for the dissertation. 

Literature review focuses on a specific topic of your work including the critical analysis of other’s work with comparison to your work. In a dissertation the literature review is written as stand-alone paper. The important thing to note is that literature review is not merely a description of what the others published on this topic, but it encloses all the information about different arguments, theories and approaches. The literature review should provide a clear understanding to the reader that you are well aware of others’ work relevant to your topic of research.To get help to write their papers, the students can take hlep from the best dissertation writing services uk.
Purpose of writing a literature review:
The purpose of writing a dissertation’s literature review is to define the problem on which you are working. The other important purposes are to tell the reader place of your study in historical perspective, promising to evaluate research methods, comparison of your research study with the previous work.
Writing style of literature review:
The literature review should be written in formal academic style. You have to keep the review clear and concise avoiding any jargon.
Structure of the literature review:
Structure of the literature review mainly depends on the type of your research study. The thing to do in the review is to compare and contrast different opinions of different writers on the selected topic. You have to write what one writer has said about this problem, and then provide a general overview of another writer, then another, and so on. You need to present a clear line of argument to make your review good. Therefore, you need to use some comments and critical notes to express other writer’s opinions. In general the structure of review can be as bellow:
You have to give short, clear, and concise introduction of the literature review. It will make an outline including main points which are covered into the dissertation research work. It is a brief overview of your research work.Cheap, reliable and custom dissertation writing service uk is available online to ensure the attainment of better grades to the students at the final stage of their academics.
Use quotations
You can use appropriate quotations in the review. This will make easier for the reader to understand your argument. 
Acknowledge all opposing opinions
You have to acknowledge all the opinions which are not agreed with your argument. If you will ignore these opposing viewpoints of others, then your argument will become weaker and unreal.
You have to provide a brief summary at the end of your each section. In this summary you have to give clear link between your argument and the evidences which are yet undiscovered. The students should follow the basic tips to write a great dissertation.
Provide a reference list
At the end of literature review you have to provide a reference list. Write all the reference points of the quotes and opinions that you have written in the review body. This is necessary to prove the authenticity of your paper.

Friday 19 August 2016

Basic steps to be followed in writing a great dissertation

Dissertation writing is the most important type of academic writings. It needs more attention and devotion than other academic writings. The students who are recently promoted to the universities from colleges feel it as a burden for them. As it is a very lengthy type of academic work so they become scarred of its length. It is totally individual research work. But the problem is no one can complete it individually because of its length. In such cases, the students tend to get help from some dissertation writing help available online.
It is much difficult for the students to search the best and the most reliable dissertation writing help provider. The reason is that there are thousands of online dissertation writing services and the students are unable to distinguish between the reliable and unreliable ones. Most of the dissertation writing services is running a race of earning heaps of money. So they never pay attention to the quality of the work. Hence students are wasting their time and money by hiring these services.
Dissertation writing help UK is the best dissertation writing help provider in the market which is committed to provide the best help to the students in writing their dissertations as well as offering full written dissertations at very cheap rates with 100% guaranteed quality. The present article provides a glimpse to the students to be able to write a good and perfect dissertation.
Choose an interesting topic:
Selection of the topic is the first thing to do in writing a dissertation. You have to choose an interesting topic which excites you more to write on it. This is because you have to spend a lot of time with it. It should also be informative having a wide vision.
Conduct research on the topic and collect data:
Research is the basic thing in writing a dissertation. You have to conduct research on the selected topic for gathering information and data to write your dissertation.
Introduce your research work and dissertation with its central idea. You have to present thesis statement here. You can also write about the methodology you have to use in your dissertation.
Literature review:
Literature review tells the reader that you have widely read previously published literature on this topic. You also have to tell the scope of your study in this section.
Dissertation body:
This is the major part of your dissertation. Here you have to discuss all the main points, statements, and ideas clearly. You have to tell the reader about the detail of all your research work conducted on this topic. You can use textual examples to convey your message more understandably to the reader.
This is the section where you have to sum up all your findings and results inferred from your research study. This is your last chance to impress your reader with your intellectual skills.
Dissertation writing services UK recommends that you can also provide new hypothesis to the reader for further studies or research on this topic. You can ask help at any section of your dissertation to the dissertation writing help UK at very cheap and affordable rates with 100% customer’s success and satisfaction.